2020 Fusion Live Logo

System Recommendations for Version 8

Actively Supported Operating Systems

PC: Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016/2019/2022
MAC (Intel): macOS 11 (‘Big Sur’), or newer, using Bootcamp 6.1, or newer, & Windows 10

Recommended Hardware Specifications

Processor: Intel i5 – 7th Generation (Quad Core), or greater
System Memory: 8 GB RAM, or greater
Hard Drive: 30GB free disk space for installation
Video Card: DirectX 11 compatible dedicated 2GB video card, or greater*
Monitor: 1920 x 1080 Screen Resolution, or greater

  • A high speed internet connection is required for solution updates and 2020 Cloud usage
  • When using ‘Connect’ in a network environment, a wired network connection is required
* For the 2020 Fusion Live ‘VR’ solution, please refer to the VR Solution: Hardware & Software Recommendation