2020 health and wellbeing have become an integral part of daily life and culture. The company recognizes that an active, healthy employee is one that is more alert and efficient than those who are not*. Over the past three years, 2020 has introduced many health initiatives to get its staff moving. For example, at our Laval Head Office treadmill workstations have been installed to allow employees to move while browsing emails. We have also started outdoor cardio workouts twice a week lead by our very own HR Manager.
Sweat? No problem some of our global offices have shower facilities to encourage an active life style.
In 2016, 2020 also introduced the creation of a global wellness committee whose objective is to create a healthy work environment for its staff worldwide. A group of employee volunteers from each of our 12 offices are tasked with introducing fun initiatives such as offering fresh fruit during the day, lunch hour walks and other activities that help promote wellness. We also offer stand up workstations and exercise balls as chairs! With all the great initiatives already in place and more to come, there has never been a better time to join an organization who places value on its employee’s wellbeing.
On average people spend at least 40 hours per week at work. Once you add on the hours spent sleeping, cleaning, caring for the kids, pets or a loved one there isn’t much time left for yourself. In order to avoid neglecting our health due to lack of time, it becomes fundamentally important to weave in small bouts of activity in order to keep our physical and mental health in check. Finding a company and an employer who offers good work life balance and encourages a healthy lifestyle becomes highly important to our overall wellbeing.
office in France for example has introduced a community garden in the effort of encouraging outdoor activity and mental health by focusing energy on nature. In our
UK office emphasis is places on healthy breakfast where staff come together once a month and eat a healthy meal to kick off their day. These are just some of the many initiatives that are in practice today and there are many more to come.
Are you looking for a new career move? See what our team has to say about working at 2020!
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*Source: Business News Daily