2020 Customer Spotlight
In her early 20’s, Sophie has not been in the industry long but is already making her mark. She came out on top of the Decorative Cloud Category in the 2020 Fusion Inspiration Awards and says she loves being able to bring her ideas to life with 2020 Fusion. The panel was impressed by her ability to create a design with a homey, lived‑in vibe.
She took an apprenticeship with North Lancashire Training Group in August 2013 learning to be a CAD designer, creating CAD files from other designers’ plans. After two years she decided she wanted to design herself and has worked her way up since then.
Working with 2020
Sophie says that she can create practically anything with 2020 Fusion and uses 2020 Cloud a lot. “2020 Cloud has almost everything I need, however, there is still the option to import if I need to, which is great. Some users may think it’s a lot more complicated to learn than other systems, however, this is because 2020 Fusion has so much more to offer and has no limitations on what you can create. 2020 Fusion is definitely worth taking the time to learn—the designs you can create can be so realistic.”
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About the Designer
Sophie Clayton
J & J Ormerod (JJO plc)
Favorite colour:
Orange—because it’s a bright, cheerful colour
Favorite design style:
Contemporary/ Modern
Favorite quote:
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. ” — Steve Jobs
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