August 15, 2019 at 2:25 pm #246002
Christopher Rathlein
2020 Moderator(All Supported 2020 Products/Versions)
End of Windows 7 Support
Effective January 14, 2020, Microsoft will cease their support of the Windows 7 operating system. In line with this position, 2020 will also cease its own support of Windows 7 as of this date – meaning that, thereafter, no further development or QA testing will be undertaken for any of its products using this operating system.
After this date, in the event that a particular issue relating to the performance of a 2020 product is specifically attributable to the Windows 7 operating system, 2020 will not seek to provide a resolution for the affected 2020 application and will direct any customers concerned to upgrade to a more contemporary operating system that is supported by both Microsoft and 2020 respectively.
At the time of writing, Microsoft’s guidance is that the upgrade path for a user of the Windows 7 operating system will be to move to Windows 10 so that they will continue to benefit from the latest software and security updates.
2020 and Microsoft
As a Microsoft Gold Partner, 2020 maintains an operating system support policy with the goal of reflecting Microsoft’s own lifecycle policies, wherever possible. Consequently, from time to time, this will result in 2020 withdrawing support for operating systems that may still be in use by customers of its software.
On average, this should not be of any major consequence, but it might prove to be necessary for a customer to upgrade from an unsupported operating system in the event of a particular 2020 software issue being identified as specifically attributable to that platform. The 2020 Product Management Team would therefore like to draw both partner’s and customer’s attention to this key date so that you may take the necessary action required.
Please reference the following bulletin from Microsoft for more information:
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