Bigger frame divide when using base custom cabinets?

    • September 19, 2018 at 4:08 pm #204588
      Lexi Pape

      Hello! I am relatively new to 2020, and am currently using the trial version of 2020 Design to get a feel for it and do some test renders. However, I’ve hit a bit of a bump with some of the base cabinetry. I’m trying to emulate cabinets with two different styles of drawer faces. Initially I wanted to use base customs, as they seem to be the most versatile and easy to edit. However, I noticed that when I create 2 or more different sections, even if they’re both doors or both drawers, there’s a larger frame width placed between them than with regular framed door/drawer bases.

      I’ve included an image attachment to show what I mean: on the left is a base door/drawer combo I kind of cheated to make it look like it has a tilt-out door (this also allowed me to have two different styles on the same base). On the right is the same configuration, but using the base custom piece. There’s a much bigger frame gap between the door and drawer, no matter how much I resize the door, but it allowed me to use a proper tilt-out door on the bottom.

      Is there a setting that I can change to reduce the frame width on the base custom piece? Or is that just how the base custom pieces are built/is it a limitation of the trial version?

      Thank you for any help!

    • September 25, 2018 at 11:16 am #205489
      Neil Wilson

      Hi Lexi,

      It’s not an issue with the trial version.  More likely it’s a limitation of the catalog.  If you can’t change it with the variable for door height is there a variable for the width of the stile or rail that will do it?

      the attachment is just an example of available variables.



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