Catalog Editor

    • March 17, 2020 at 12:28 pm #273657
      Michael Farago
      Pilot Pro

      Good Morning,

      Does anyone know where the install files for version 9 disappeared from the website? We have 1 machine dedicated to our annual catalog releases to adjust prices from the manufacturer, but that machine died and we can’t find the USB stick that had the V9 install files.

      As an aside, it’s a little strange that there’s been 3 new releases and no new catalog editor.


    • March 17, 2020 at 4:50 pm #273680
      Kristopher Papaleo

      Hi Michael,

      We’ve actually removed the version 9 from because it is now a 10-year old program. We only support three versions at a time, which are now the versions 10, 11, and 12.

      As for the ‘Catalog Tools’, this is a product that we no longer sell. Although, if you’ve purchased it in the past, then you are always entitled to use it.

      To help you out a bit, I’ve went ahead and sent you an email including the download link for Version 9.1.


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