Colour Blindness

    • November 10, 2022 at 6:24 am #378839
      Rhys Parry

      Hi Everyone,

      I have trouble identifying small objects when they are selected and highlighted in the software as I have deuteranomaly which is a from of red-green colour blindness.

      Is there a way to change the white background to dark grey/black or change the colour of the highlighted object?

      Any help is appreciated, thanks.

      Picture 1 is how fusion currently is.

      Picture 2 & 3 have been edited to make the object I selected easier to see.

    • November 10, 2022 at 7:13 am #378867
      Jim Smalley
      2020 Moderator

      Hi Rhys,

      To change the background colour from white to black, there are two possibilities:

      1. Change the overall application colour scheme to ‘Black’

      This can be achieved by selecting File > Options > General > User Interface Options and changing ‘Colour Scheme’ to black. This will change the palettes, ribbon and menus to black as well.

      2. However, if you prefer your palettes, ribbon and menus to remain lighter, but just want to have the design area’s background set to black, then you can achieve this by selecting File > Options > Render Settings > Dark Mode and selecting ‘Black (Black background, white text)’

      This will apply to wireframe and white fill renders in each of plan, elevation and perspective views.

      It is also possible to change the selection colour, but this is achieved via a hidden user preference – I would suggest that you contact the Support Team who can help you to achieve this. The selection colour options are: Red (Default), Green, Blue, Light Grey.

    • November 10, 2022 at 7:26 am #378868
      Rhys Parry

      Hi Jim,

      Thank you for the help!

      I tried the first option through the user interface but the design area stayed white.

      I can’t see Dark Mode on my Render Settings screen, I have attached a screenshot of the menu.

      I will be sure to contact the support team regarding the hidden user preference.


    • November 10, 2022 at 7:36 am #378899
      Jim Smalley
      2020 Moderator

      Hi Rhys – Dark Mode was introduced in Version 8.6, so perhaps you are on an older version – the Support Team can review this with you.

      I also discovered that you can change the colour of the cursor, so be sure to ask the Support Team about that too, if it is helpful to change this as well as the selection colour.

    • November 10, 2022 at 7:43 am #378900
      Rhys Parry

      Hi Jim,

      That’s why then, I am using version 7.3.

      I have contacted the support team and waiting for their response, thanks for your help!

    • May 21, 2024 at 11:02 pm #438405
      ivy michael

      With expertise in optometry, I understand the challenges and nuances of color blindness. It’s essential to educate individuals about this condition and its impact on daily life. Through subacute in Torrance proper screening and accommodations, such as color-coded alternatives and assistive technologies, we can empower those with color blindness to navigate the world more effectively.

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