Creating A Custom Material Palette

    • July 8, 2021 at 10:23 am #338327
      Ashley McGovern

      Hey, I’m trying to become more efficient at using Fusion 2020 and one of my biggest gripes is having to go through loads of different material catalogues in order to put the correct materials on things. Is there anyway I can create a custom palette? Like a playlist of colours that I can just pick from and update as necessary?

    • July 8, 2021 at 10:43 am #338348
      Ryan Jackson

      Hi Ashley,

      You could essentially create your own palette using the RGB colours.

      Please see the below article on how to do this:

      How to Pick and Use a Custom RBG Colour

      This article may help too:

      How to Use a Custom Image as a Material

      If you need any further assistance please call support on 01233 635 533 or email

      Kind Regards

    • July 8, 2021 at 10:49 am #338350
      Ashley McGovern

      Hi Ryan,

      Thanks for the reply. I’m familiar with the rgb colour picker. However, can it detect reflection/transparency, etc. I have some really great materials with these properties and want them all in one place. Can you do this with the custom image material picker?



    • July 8, 2021 at 11:00 am #338355
      Ryan Jackson

      Hi Ash,

      The RGBs will only show colours unfortunately.

      Adding your custom images to Fusion will store them all in one place, as long as you choose the option to make them available in all designs.

      If you need any help after following the article please contact me via either methods I previously shared.

      Kind Regards

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