Dark Ceilings?

    • May 19, 2016 at 2:41 pm #89149
      Jordyn P
      Pilot Pro

      I’m trying to make nice renderings to enter into a design contest. Even though I adjusted the lighting attributes, the ceiling is still super dark. The ambient light is all the way up and I even used the exposure lighting. Still dark. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    • May 19, 2016 at 10:03 pm #89230

      Grab the free UNDRGRND catalogue from catalogpros.com (just google UNDRGRND catalog) and use some of the invisible lighting. Play with the light properties and then the Light vert. angle in attributes to point the light at the ceilling. I find that putting the invisible light(s) at around head or torso height is about right.

      The same method can be used to pick out better detail on doors by using horizontal light – low level and diffused.



    • May 20, 2016 at 2:00 pm #89256
      Jordyn P
      Pilot Pro

      I tried it, but it didn’t work for me. It lightened the cabinets but not the crown or ceiling.

    • May 20, 2016 at 7:07 pm #89257
      Jordyn P
      Pilot Pro

      I’ve included three pictures. One is a screenshot of the rendering screen(Before), one is doing a regular quick render(Miller Kitchen), and the last is doing the best render(Rendering). So confused!

    • May 23, 2016 at 2:34 am #89282

      Don’t be confused – this has happened to me as well. I’ve even had the lighting seem to change between reboots so I suspect it is a render engine issue.

      I’ve also noticed that the lighting seems to change again when you do a Panoramic 360.



    • May 23, 2016 at 10:50 am #89283
      Jordyn P
      Pilot Pro

      So there is nothing I can do to fix it?

    • May 24, 2016 at 7:14 pm #89337
      Jordyn P
      Pilot Pro

      Neil? Any suggestions?

    • May 24, 2016 at 7:28 pm #89338

      The only thing I can suggest is to keep playing with the invisible lights – I had to turn the brightness up to max and move them closer to the ceiling and pick a more spread light pattern but it did work for me.


      Wonder if it’s worth picking a semi transparent option for the ceiling and switch the sun option on?

      Also why not join the independent Delphi 2020 forum and ask there – Bill Zielinksi often drops in and he has a mass of experience on enhancing using light etc. He used to write and sell tutorials on 2020 Design.


    • May 26, 2016 at 3:31 pm #90022
      Vanessa DeKoekkoek

      Hi Jordyn,

      If you haven’t already submitted your design, I would like to suggest a few things.  Of course, renderings can be different on every project and the variety of materials and size of the space.  Let me know if any of these things help:

      -Use a different finish on your ceiling (possibly the white shiny metal).

      – Turn on the sun in your light modes.  Click on the sun icon and drag it to the most realistic location, possibly close to the window.

      – Adjust the Ambient light intensity in your Scene Light Mode setting.

      – Last, slightly adjust the Exposure (under Image Light Mode).  Even a slight adjustment from 1 to 1.2 can make a big difference.

      I hope this helps!

    • May 31, 2016 at 10:51 am #90427
      Chuck H.

      Hi Jordyn,

      Try using the Lamp.Floor.Tor3 in the lighting section – Floor Lamps. Change all attributes to transparent. You should adjust the height to maybe 30″ or so, that way you can raise or lower depending on the lighting effect and ceiling height. This will create the up lighting that you need to light your ceiling. I normally use 2 to 3 lights around the room to up light my ceilings and recessed lighting for the perimeter kitchen and around the island area. You can control the actual lighting intensity and color in the attributes. Good luck!

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