Elevation view assistance

    • February 21, 2018 at 9:10 am #171742

      HI Guys.

      Is there a way to change how elevation views work/display?

      As standard, I cannot have dividing walls display on my virtual wall elevation views, making it just look like a big single room with a gap in between where there should be a return / dividing wall.

      I need to have all return walls display on my elevations, including the end walls. I’m sure there used to be a toggle to turn this on/off at one point?

      If I view elevation simply using the view direction tool, the return walls show, but if I use the wall selection in the mini plan, or Virtual walls, they don’t show.


      Help much loved.

    • February 23, 2018 at 9:29 am #171979
      Ollie Farrant
      2020 Expert

      Hi Richard,

      To view two walls in elevation, please follow the below steps:

      Fusion 5

      You can left click on the primary wall in the navigate view window and then right click on the secondary wall in the navigate view window

      Fusion 6

      Left click on the primary wall in the navigation view window and then create a new manual named view ( Click on the + symbol) and then hold shift and right click the secondary wall in the navigate view window.


      The primary wall will always show highlighted in green and the secondary wall will show highlighted in blue within the navigate view window. See attached screenshot.

      If you would like to discuss further or require remote support please give the 2020 Fusion support team a call on 01233 635 566.



    • February 26, 2018 at 5:56 am #172189

      Thanks, that will help me a lot !

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