Kitchen Backsplash Textures

    • March 22, 2018 at 2:47 pm #178573
      Jerry Naimoli

      Hello Everyone,

      So I contacted 2020 about a question I had for the backsplash textures that I wanted in my design. I found the perfect picture on the internet of the backsplash that the customer wanted, so I downloaded the image and found it after drawing my surface area. The question is, I believe that there aren’t enough pixels in the image to create a continuous texture on the backsplash area that I have. If I do set the texture as-is, then it creates these tiles on the wall. Is there any way that I could stretch the original image? Or would I have to create smaller surface areas on the wall and just duplicate it side by side to create a continuous backsplash.



      Thank you,


    • March 22, 2018 at 4:00 pm #178651
      Neil Wilson

      Hi Patrick,

      Here is the link to our Knowledge Center article How to fix the tile effect when importing texture to 2020 Design.

      A couple of other things to remember are that you can change the size of the imported texture in the lower right when you import it and that the texture will keep its aspect ratio so if you want a long thin texture, import it from a long thin image file.

      Hope that helps


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