\\\"None\\\" texture now shows up as grey.

    • March 19, 2018 at 3:15 pm #177029
      Chris Setlock

      I noticed that switching a texture to “none” no longer makes something disappear.  Now it causes the item or element to render as a battleship grey.

      I hope that changes back. This used to be a useful trick.  Today, i was trying to make the stringer disappear from an open sided staircase.

    • March 19, 2018 at 3:31 pm #177031

      Very interested to hear if this will be fixed…it was very useful!

    • March 20, 2018 at 12:13 pm #177784
      Neil Wilson

      Hey Chris,

      Can you give me some more details on the steps you took to get the issue to happen because when I do it on my machine it works.



    • March 20, 2018 at 12:55 pm #177820
      Chris Setlock

      Hi Neil,
      Sure.  It’s happened with a bunch of items recently.

      In this case, I was trying to give the look of a floating staircase.  I used stair.0 from the sample-generic catalog.  In attributes, I played with textures until I knew which one was the stringers.  In this case it’s texture 1.  I changed the texture to common>none>none.  In the past that’s always made the item or component disappear.  Now, it makes it render as battleship grey in the thumbnail.  What’s odd is that in the rendering (see attached) it renders as a flat color of the original texture.  Stair.0 by default is a yellowy ash texture.

      On the upper flight of stairs I set the texture to clear glass as a temporary work around.

      Last week, I was trying to disappear the stand from a flat screen tv so I could wall mount it.  Similarly, I could only make it turn grey.  Again, I found that turning it to glass made a passable result.

    • March 20, 2018 at 5:09 pm #177933
      Neil Wilson

      Hey Chris,

      It seems to be related to specific items.  In cabinets it seems to work fine but I get the same issue you got with the stairs.  I tried the spiral stairs and the banister disappeared just fine but the other textures got all weird.  I’ll enter the issue into our system and have the boys upstairs take a look.

      Thank you


    • March 20, 2018 at 5:27 pm #177935
      Chris Setlock

      Thanks, Neil!

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