By simply using the corresponding manufacturer catalogue in 2020 Fusion. Product visuals are drawn clearly and accurately, reflecting the actual detail of each item, with the correct price also being applied based upon the features and options chosen. For ‘linear’ items, these will also be fully optimised into standard lengths, pieces, or packs.
Most manufacturers’ catalogs in the kitchen and bathroom industry are available within the 2020 Fusion software. Please contact your local 2020 Fusion reseller if you require a catalog you currently don’t have access to. If, however, the catalog you need is not available, you can make use of the generic (Universal) catalogs that were delivered with your 2020 Fusion software. These catalogs cover most areas within the home e.g. kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc. and are catalogs containing the vast majority of products, materials and finishes sold in the European market today. You also have access to the Trimble (a.k.a Google) Sketchup’s extensive library of products directly within the 2020 Fusion product.
Full details of the manufacturer catalogues available to you are listed on the 2020 website.