Snap Items Not Working?

    • February 18, 2016 at 9:45 am #74884
      Lauren T

      So, I have 2020 Design (v.11) and I noticed that the snap items feature doesn’t seem to be working all the time. It won’t snap cad lines or walls when I am trying to draw either of them. This is problematic, especially if I am trying to draw a running line around a knee wall to make into a counter top. I can’t seem to get the shape just right. It also wouldn’t snap the points when I was using the “Surface” feature on an elevation to create a backsplash. Is anyone else having this problem? I checked my preferences and it is set to snap items within 3″ and the snap items box is definitely turned on. The little square boxes that appear when your mouse is near a point show up, but when I click on or near the box, it still won’t snap. Can anyone help me?

    • February 18, 2016 at 11:43 am #74886
      Neil Wilson

      Hi Lauren,

      The issue with the snap point on walls and lines is new to version 11.  It is known to the developers and they are working to resolve it.

      Thank you


    • May 16, 2016 at 2:46 pm #88886
      Lydia Fenstermacher

      As of May 15, 2016 (and on V11.4), this issue has still not been resolved. Between the dimension lines and the snap items not working properly, we are wasting a lot of valuable time trying to fix issues that should’ve been fixed after the first version.  Extremely frustrating and aggravating!

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