Tech Tip: Software and Catalog Versions

    • January 30, 2015 at 8:48 am #22322
      2020 Expert

      Did you know there is a difference between your software version and your catalog version?

      Software updates are published every few months on with a major software update once a year. To verify the version of the software you are running, open Worksheet and browse to Help> About 20-20 Worksheet. In the ‘About’ dialog window that will open, you will see a Version Information section in the bottom right-hand corner. To verify if you are on the latest software update, you can use the Check for Software Updates tool in the Help window or you can login to your profile and check the Support Downloads section.

      Unlike your software, we recommended updating catalogs each month. To verify which month’s catalogs you are using, open 2020 Worksheet and browse to Help> What’s New. The ‘What’s New’* window will tell you the month and year of the catalogs you have installed. (*Note: The ‘What’s New’ window will only update when you run the commercial catalog discs.)To update your catalogs, you can use the mailed monthly catalog disc sets or log into and download individual catalog updates from the Manufacturer Updates tab.

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