Vanity Drawers

    • July 31, 2017 at 9:57 am #140771
      Susan Bellis

      Is there an industry standard or preference when choosing drawer side of a bathroom vanity.  The vanity will be against the left wall, toilet would be to the right.

    • July 31, 2017 at 11:07 am #140772
      Ken Watkins

      I don’t know of a standard, but things I consider are:

      Is the drain line in the way on one side, and do I want to spend $$ modifying plumbing?

      Will the drawers block a doorway when opened?

      Also, drawer beside the toilet makes a good place to store a spare roll of TP.  We had a customer with a cat that destroyed TP and ended up putting it (the TP, not the cat) in the drawer.

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