Rendered textures

    • February 7, 2020 at 9:58 am #266897
      Emily Fujii


      Ever since I downloaded the new v12 and got all of my catalogues and preferences more or less back to where I want them things have been largely great.

      My problem now is that when I go to do a render the cabinets are not rendering the correct color. They all come out looking black. It’s happening with multiple cabinet lines so I don’t think it’s on their end (though I could be wrong) and I didn’t have this problem before v12 so I don’t know if it’s something I did when I switched over or something in the program communicating with the catalogues. It only seems to be doing it with the cabinets from the vendor catalogues. The textures I import for flooring and countertops and other non-cabinet catalogues don’t have that problem.

      Any suggestions as to how I can fix this? I really need to be able to do colored renders.

    • February 7, 2020 at 1:27 pm #266908
      Kristopher Papaleo

      Hi Emily,

      It sounds like your missing some of the textures you should have. If this is happening to multiple catalogs then this assumption would be possible. I would recommend to call into support to have one of our agents take a look and lend a hand! You may call 1.866.697.2020!


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