The brand scores with 3D!
The BUT brand has been working in partnership with the 2020 teams for nearly ten years, and has recently invested in a new 3D space planning solution: 2020 Ideal Spaces. We went to meet their Project Managers, Gilles Montet on the IT side, and Elise Rodriguez on the commercial side, to learn more about this key project for the BUT brand.
You have been using 2020 solutions for almost ten years. What originally made you want to try expand your offering?
Elise Rodriguez : Over the course of several years, we were approached by multiple IT service providers offering different 3D design tools. Our historical partner, 2020, seemed to be the most advanced in this field and, more importantly, catered best to our needs.
Gilles Montet : In addition to catering to professional needs at the commercial level, we also had precise technical requirements. Indeed, our retail network also has management software for the back office, which allows us to place orders and manage delivery times and all installations. The non-negotiable need in our specification was for these 2 systems to “talk” to each other, so our vendor-designers do not waste any time.

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