Legend numbering/order form numbering

    • May 12, 2017 at 9:10 am #130315
      Chris Setlock

      Two questions:

      1) Is there any way to change the legend numbering or order form numbering?  I just placed a cabinet order that included a few instances of cabinets being built together.  Since I cant control the numbering, in most instances the cabinets being joined are multiple lines apart on the order form.  I just spent half and hour explaining which cabinets are to be built together.

      2) I thought v11.7 was going to make legend numbers consistent across floor plans and elevations.  i.e. cabinet #1 would be the same cabinet on all views.  This would alleviate much confusion when discussing plans with contractors.

    • May 12, 2017 at 9:12 am #130317
      Chris Setlock

      Oh.  Wait.  I just found the checkbox in preferences:  “Use the same item number in all views”

      Imagine Rosanna Rosannadanna saying “Nevermiiiind”.

    • May 12, 2017 at 10:46 am #130318
      Chris Setlock

      OK.  I’ve been playing with this most of the morning.  I can make the numbering consistent across views, but I cant make the order form numbering relate to the legend.

      There is a checkbox on the order form dialog page labeled “legend from active view”.  I’ve checked it, but that doesn’t seem to help.

      While the numbering is now consistent across all views, there are a lot of skips, i.e. my legend starts with number 3, then 6,8,13,18 etc.  That tells me there are items being counted but not listed in the legend.  I imagine that is causing the discrepancy.  If I knew what items were being counted but not listed, or if I could change/assign numbers I could correct this.

      Am I nit-picking here?  Has nobody else wrestled with this?

    • May 12, 2017 at 3:48 pm #130324
      Santiago Morales
      2020 Expert

      Hello Chris,

      I am glad you are using the new Legend enhancements.

      The legend displayed on all reports will be from the Active Floor Plan (the last floor plan selected).


      You are correct, there are items being counted but not listed in the legend.

      Please note there are 2 mechanisms to limit the content of the legend:

      • Catalog Filtering
      • Category Filtering

      Both of these are accessible from the Legend tab of the Display Settings windows (lower section).

      In order to see all items of the floor plan in legend, make sure all catalogs and categories have been selected.

      Hope this helps,

      Thank you.


    • May 16, 2017 at 1:21 pm #130732
      Jim Slaugh


      We need a way to choose the number on the legend. When we write up or place an order using legend there is a discrepancy of how the computer numbers items and how we want them to be numbered. It is confusing for users looking at our drawings and we have different numbers than what the legend says. Also numbers do not follow a set pattern. For myself the legend makes my drawings neater and the next person can understand what I have going on. But we need to be able to control those numbers.


      Jim Slaugh

    • May 31, 2017 at 4:47 pm #132319
      Santiago Morales
      2020 Expert

      Hello Jim,

      Thank you for your feedback. Please note that you can still use the previous legend numbering mechanism by deselecting “Use same item number in all views” checkbox in the Legends preferences. In this mode, you can re-order legend numbers.

      When the checkbox is selected it is unfortunately not possible to assign numbers manually. This is a limitation to have a unique numbering scheme throughout all views (floorplan, elevations and reports).

      Thank you,


    • June 3, 2017 at 12:56 am #132505
      Curt Hayos

      I’ve been praying for some time to be put into legend for years… Haven’t had a chance to play with 11.7 yet.

      For the life of me, I still can’t figure out why we even have to check the catalog to be included… If you click something, it’s get’s the next number and populates the legend to the right. My thought was then if I highlighted the legend description to the right, and moved it up or down would shuffle the numbers on the floor plan. Then we should have an option to use legend on the order report then we can save an hour on EVERY order… Should be simple but who knows…


      Thank you,


    • June 7, 2017 at 2:47 pm #133829
      Santiago Morales
      2020 Expert

      Hello Curt,

      Great feedback. Thank you.

      You will notice on 11.7 that we have simplified the catalogue management for legends. Unlike previous releases, in V11.7 you no longer need to select catalogues in the Legend Preference menu.

      All new catalogues installed in Design are automatically selected for legend.

      Thank you,


    • June 16, 2017 at 2:02 pm #135325
      Curt Hayos

      Until we have control of the numbering capability, this feature will continue to be underutilized. I’m about 85% sure that if this feature was tweaked to give us control over how it works, it would become a core function that would literally save hours on every order for the ordering and installation side of the business which could use some programming love…

      A perfect system would work something like this for us…

      1-We click an item

      2-Design then numbers it on floor plan and elevations with the same number.

      3-Design looks up and returns the description we’ve specified and populates the legend.

      4- We’d like to be able to select an item in the legend list, click an up or down arrow and have it renumber as instructed starting with 1 and progressing as we click.

      5- We’d also like to be able to edit the description over whatever was brought back. I could also see it needing to revert to factory description if it was moved up/down if necessary. No, we don’t want to go into each cabinet and change it, takes too long and is gone when mfg updates catalog.

      6-All reports should have a checkbox option to be compiled in legend order. (At least quote report)

      Here’s the reason for the request. Design seems to number based on how the cabinets are put in the design. There is usually a different order for designing than for installation so we need to manipulate reports and prints to do different things depending on the situation…

      The above laid out situation should address about any of your clients needs and their individual situations. Some like talls/walls/base sorting, some like clockwise, there’s probably a bunch of others but a flexible solution would address all of them…

      Thank you,


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