light attributes angles

    • February 17, 2016 at 5:24 pm #74881

      inside of attributes- variables-angles is light horizontal angle/ligh vert. angle /attachment angle Y . do anyone knows what are this for ?????

      I “ve been changing the light angle from the ligh properties all the time but the angles from inside the attributes i donot what are those for ?????

    • February 25, 2016 at 1:08 pm #76448
      Neil Wilson

      Hi Carlos,

      Those settings are for source of the light within the item.  For example if you set a recessed spot up against a wall and change the vertical angle to 45 the light from inside the spot will come out shining to the right.  If you change it to 320 it will come out shining to the left.  If you set the angle to 180 there will be no light coming from the recessed spot because the light will be pointed back up into the light itself.  Think of a circle around the item in either the horizontal or vertical plane and the light source will point in the direct of the angle you choose in the appropriate variable.

      Hope that helps.


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