seeing familiar (annoying) V9 issues in V11?

    • August 20, 2015 at 7:46 am #44326
      Angie Lawrence
      Pilot Pro

      That’s right from V9. It’s the disappearing dimension lines (for one):
      It’s a large kitchen and the drawings need to have details for NKBA guideline requirement; hours spent yesterday adding dimensions (another issue: there are display settings NOT working in V11); upon opening the design this morning ALL the added dimensions are gone from most all the elevations. How do I know? Because there is a note where each one was…

      Need more be said today?


    • August 20, 2015 at 10:00 am #44329

      Hi Angie,

      I will trying to reproduce what you are experiencing.
      could you please send me your contact information at so I can have someone from support contact you and document these issues.


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