“The File is not compatible with 2020” and frequent crashes

    • February 6, 2024 at 9:14 am #436554
      Melina Murphy



      I am using Windows 11 and the latest V of 2020 Design. I am having issues with the following error message. Sometimes I attempt to open the file an hour later or the next day and it says it’s not compatible, however the .bak file opens. I never used to have issues with the .kit file opening. Is there a reason why I would be getting this error message?



    • February 6, 2024 at 9:23 am #436565
      Drew Irving

      There are a thousand reasons this can happen, but some are more common than others. I’ll list a couple of things I’ve found that sometimes cause this, and ways to fix them.

      First, and this a fix for all sorts of weird, buggy 2020 behavior, is to download and run the clearcache app. 2020 Stores a lot of settings and data in the cache, and if one of those is messed up, this will clear it out and get you back on track.

      1: Is it just that one file, or multiple files, that do this? If it’s just one, sometimes an item or element in a file becomes corrupted, and you can sneak around that by opening the .bak file, re-saving it as a .kit file with a different file name, and if you’re lucky, the new .kit file will work right.

      2: Are you using any decorative or custom objects, particularly from older local catalog versions of 2020 decorative catalogs? Some of those aren’t compatible with newer 2020 versions, and can cause errors like this. Try deleting any such items from your design, and see if it fixes it.

      3: Are you saving & loading from a local drive, or network/cloud storage? .Kit files don’t always transfer with all their attributes intact over remote or network storage, so saving and loading locally can often circumvent this sort of problem.

      If none of those things fixes it, I’d recommend a call to tech support.

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