How to turn a bathroom into a personal wellness center

How to turn a bathroom into a personal wellness center

2020 Spaces2020 Blogs, 2020 Design, Home Design & Remodeling, Kitchen & Bath

In November of 1979, the news program 60 Minutes aired a feature on a health movement that was poised to sweep the United States. Future CBS News anchor Dan Rather introduced the segment by saying, “Wellness – there’s a word you don’t hear every day.” In the 40-plus years since, …

Blog - Who is the modern office designer?

Why the modern office designer needs to be part-historian, part-psychologist

2020 Spaces2020 Blogs, 2020 Office, Office Design

Using psychology to plan and design an office space is nothing new. For as long as offices have existed, savvy employers have sought plans for spaces that work subconsciously to get the most out of those in their employ.Office design historyFrom the Taylorism approach of the early 20th Century to …

How to Choose the Best Kitchen Design Software

How to choose the best kitchen design software for your business

2020 Spaces2020 Blogs, 2020 Design, Home Design & Remodeling, Kitchen & Bath

When it comes to deciding on kitchen design software, the best thing you can do is choose the right software for your business, the next best thing is to choose the wrong software and the worst thing you can do is to get so overwhelmed by the options that you …

Top 10 Office Design Trends for 2023

Top 10 office design trends for 2023

2020 Spaces2020 Blogs, 2020 Office, Office Design

2020 Office Whether you want to deliver the trendiest office designs to your commercial clients – from green walls to yoga studios – or something more traditional, 2020 Office is a complete office design software that not only makes floor planning easy, but gives designers the power to create functional …